What are Fundamental Rules for Music Submission

Before submitting your music to a review, be sure to read the guidelines. Some music services ask for a bio and a photo, while others require an electronic press kit. Some services will accept EPs, one-sheets, and even vinyl. If you’re unsure of what to send, check out their FAQ page to find out what information they are looking for. Don’t send incorrect information – it will only frustrate the reviewer.

Usually, blogs are not interested in reviewing old music. They only want to promote new artists. However, some blogs have specific submission guidelines, while others explicitly don’t accept submissions. When submitting music to a blog, you may need to mention a well-known artist or track in the description. Moreover, it’s a good idea to email the blogger before submitting your track. The following fundamental rules will help you optimize your music submission.

Remember that record labels receive hundreds of submissions each day, and they don’t have the time to respond to each one of them. So, submit your music as often as you can and don’t give up. You’re much more likely to get a response from a small label if you submit your music to a small label, as you’ll have more chance of finding the right person. Big labels, on the other hand, don’t usually have a public contact information, so you’ll need to find them directly.

If your music is an original composition, you can send it to a local church or music organization for review. Make sure to include the composer’s name and contact information. The music should be a PDF or full score file. However, do not include parts or a recording if the music is not your own. It is always best to submit a live performance instead of a synthesized version. A music submission is a great way to promote your new composition.

Next, look into blogs that focus on your particular field. Find out which of the blogs that you usually read have music that is comparable by looking at the blogs’ archives. If your music isn’t included on those blogs, you might want to check out Hype Machine to find similar blogs that feature similar music. This application compiles the most recent entries from a large number of independent music blogs.

Keep a record of the websites that feature your genre, and make it a point to submit your music in accordance with the standards provided by those websites. It could be the break you’ve been waiting for! Make sure to submit music of high quality and find a way to make your entry stand out from the others.

After you have sent in your song, you will need to check to see if the quality of the music is up to par with what is expected by the radio station. Roughly half of the songs submitted are turned down because of issues with the vocals, lyrics, or arrangement. It is essential to keep in mind that your track has only 15 seconds to capture a listener’s attention in order to be successful. You only get one chance to make a good first impression, so put your best foot forward when you present your music to potential listeners. Make sure that your recording is flawless!

About Jack Watts

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